Tag Archives: defeated

The Gift of A New Day

The Gift of A New Day

Your first words in the morning set the tone for your day. We all have different schedules so our mornings can truly be any time of the day! What is truly important is your introduction to each morning. The most difficult part of this introduction is already made for you by God. He packaged perfectly your personal gift with the most beautiful bow of all…his love!  So, If you wake up complaining/fusing/angry rather than being thankful/appreciative…you’ve already failed to realize that you’re 100% more blessed than those that didn’t get witness this new day. By not appreciating or fully appreciating this new opportunity, it places you at a disadvantage before the wings of your day can shake off all of yesterday’s disappointments, goals not accomplished and even blessings not received. So today, yes today is that day, you refuse to allow the weights of yesterday, yesterday year stop you from being the blessed strength you are. Remember that if our day starts with negativity and gratefulness, you now invite, strife, chaos, confusion, negative engagements that all unnecessary and potentially destructive to the best of you that you can share with the world. Now that you’ve read the first paragraph and you feel that this speaks to you….stop, pray, center yourself in the Lord and proclaim and declare your goals for the gift you have personally been given. Defeated words, wound your spirit and place limitations on you gifting the best of who you are.


Listen, I get it, life is not always easy but the burdens of the Lord are always light, thus he invites you to give all that concerns you life to him (please read Matthew 11:28-30). God wants you/us  to enjoy our life. He didn’t gift life so that we journey through it permanently wounded, not working through the multitude of disappointments we refuse to let go. Check this out, in reality, holding on to every wound, hurt, injustice only restricts and even prevents us from maximizing and reaching our daily potential that prevents us from reaching our weekly, monthly, yearly and finally it stops us from colliding with your DESTINY!

To each of you that may not see a brighter day, the expectation of a positive outcome or even the healing of what you’re going through to perhaps make sense today because you’ve chosen to show up, suit up and boot up, understanding that regardless what comes your way this day, yesterday is gone, today there is a plethora of opportunities and blessings assigned to your life, waiting to attach to you but your mindset (even if behavior hasn’t yet caught up, you must start somewhere) but you must be in alignment that the universe releases what God says belongs to you! Trust me, I had days that have been so difficult and many of you are right now experiencing such great difficulty that you may even feel so weak that you can’t even utter the words to pray… but the awesome thing about that is, God has given us an even more powerful gift, a comforter,  one that will go before him on our behalf and plead our cases. One that can pray what we don’t even know to pray and one that stands before God as our advocate sharing with God all that we cannot. In the continued beautiful and power this gift is , that God listens because he is concerned for YOU/US. This comforter is called the Holy Ghost/holy spirit. It’s specific assignment is to lead us and guide us into all truth while comforting us. That tells me that God knows that we are going to experience some difficult and devastating times… so God himself has an effective solution for the areas of your life you struggle in…and if that is not encouraging for you, know that he sent his only begotten son to die just for you do you/we may be reconciled to him beyond our sin!


My parents used to always tell me that things could be so much worse. So in closing, we have to stop looking for things to be defeated in, as we find things no one else ever thinks of us and in reality don’t have the time to think as they are struggling in their own life battles. Stop and focus on your blessings spiritually, tangible as well as your achievements, your opportunities, your goodness… Focus on the goodness of God that is allowed you to witness a brand-new day. Sometimes we really don’t take the time to “smell the roses,” or to understand what a brand-new day is. A brand-new day actually has  never been seen before, it’s never been witnessed before,  it is indeed a gift wrapped up packaged and presented to us just because God loves us. He could have given us a beat up day with no promise, a day used up, defiled and contaminated. However, the purpose of a brand-new morning/day is to remind us that all that we’ve done yesterday is gone and over with so all that we did not get right yesterday, we can work on getting right today with the Lord’s gentle hand and guidance . That is a merciful, compassionate creator that thought about YOU to get you off to the best advantage and commence the beginning of GREATNESS TO COME YOUR WAY

So we here at http://www.mommygirlmedia.com we want to hear from you. We’d like to know:

=How will you, start, restart, refresh  your gift of today?